Empowered Learners


Committed to fostering the academic growth and social-emotional competencies of students.

We strive to support students in becoming confident, self-regulated learners who can create and utilize learning strategies specific to their strengths and needs.

If we want our teens to be successful high school students, to manage their time, learn effectively, and manage their stress, we must teach them how to do that.

Adolescent brains continue to develop until about 25 years of age. Instead of assuming irresponsibility, we assume varying degrees of development. High school and university students need help with time management, prioritizing, study skills, and social skills. We teach them strategies to develop these skills.


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We offer a complimentary 30 min call or zoom meeting with the family to understand their concerns and goals. We also take the time to explain our services and process.


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We assess the student's EF skills to determine their strengths, and then we collaborate with students to develop learning strategies they can use in school and everyday life.


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Informational Sessions

We offer a wide range of professional development opportunities, including topics on executive functioning, motivation and self-regulated learning.


Lisa sitting at a desk with an open book, in front of a big window

Hi, I’m Lisa!

Founder, Educator and Parent.

My three children have different learning profiles with differing strengths and struggles. Over the years, I have witnessed how their beliefs about themselves as learners has affected their motivation and ability to learn.

“Kids do well if they can. If they are not doing well, it means there is a barrier between effort and success that must be addressed.”

Dr. Ross Green