Lisa sitting at a desk in front of a large open window, with open books in front of her


We offer complimentary phone or zoom consultations. If possible, we meet in person to conduct Executive Function skills assessments and discuss how students currently organize their learning materials and work spaces. We then collaborate with the student to develop personalized strategies to improve students' learning efficiency.


What Makes Us Different

At Empowered Learners we endeavour understand the whole student. We take the time to listen intently to both the caregivers and the student during the consultation. We conduct a comprehensive assessment of the student's strengths and work with the student to develop learning strategies specialized for their needs.

If any of the following statements describes your child, they may be need support with executive functioning skills.

  • Have trouble starting and/or completing tasks

  • Have difficulty prioritizing tasks

  • Forget what they just heard or read

  • Have trouble managing their time

  • Have trouble following multi-step directions

  • Struggle when rules or routines change

  • Have trouble switching focus from one task to another

  • Get overly emotional and fixate on things

  • Has disorganized thoughts

  • Have trouble keeping track of their belongings

“When they use strategies that address core executive function processes, they can more easily bypass their weaknesses, while using their strengths to learn efficiently.”




We offer a complimentary 30 min call or zoom meeting with the family to understand their concerns and goals. We also take the time to explain our services and process.

  • Consultations are for both the caregivers and the student. Occasionally, the child's teacher participates in a consultation call. Most importantly, we want to engage with the student to assess their commitment to the process.

  • We want to have the whole picture of the student's learning struggles. Most often, simply listening to the caregiver's concerns is enough to understand what is happening for the student. If needed, we have a list of questions that lead to better understanding.

  • Connect with us by filling in the contact form, and we will be in-touch to schedule a call.

Building and Supporting Executive Functioning Skills

Executive functions are thinking skills used daily to learn, work, and manage daily life. Core EF skills involve working memory, flexible thinking, and inhibition control. Complex EF skills build from core skills, and include organization, time management, prioritizing, planning, goal setting, and problem solving.

  • Everyone benefits from EF support!

    - Most students with neurodiversity, including giftedness, ADHD and ASD struggle with executive functioning.

    - Students in new learning environments also struggle with executive functioning, including students transitioning to high school, university and changing schools.

    - Late bloomers and anxious students often struggle to meet EF expectations.

  • Empowered Learners understands that everyone has strengths in some areas and struggles in other areas. We first determine the student's strengths. We then use those strengths to help them develop learning strategies. What sets us apart from other educators is student participation in the process. They collaborate with our teachers to devise their own methods for studying, organization and time management.

  • Once a family decides to work with us, they book an assessment session. We conduct assessments to help identify the student's strengths and struggles. From the results, we prioritize with the student what they want to address first.

Informational Sessions

We offer a wide range of professional development opportunities, including topics on executive functioning, motivation and self-regulated learning. Parents benefit from learning how executive functioning affects student learning and the signs to look out for. We are happy to tailor the informational sessions to meet your learning goals.

  • We believe everyone who works with adolescents would find our information sessions helpful. We are passionate about collaborating with educators to enhance their understanding of how EF develops and collaborating with them to incorporate skill development into their daily routines and learning activities.

    We are happy to present at Parent Advisory Committee meetings or parent education nights.

  • Please get in touch to tell us about your audience and their learning goals for the session. Depending on time and budget, we offer presentations, facilitate discussions and collaborate with our audiences to achieve their goals.

  • Please fill in the contact form and tell us about your group. We will schedule a call to discuss the details of the session.